Sunday, October 20, 2013

Maya is 10 Months! (11 days ago)

Can't believe how close Maya is to 1 year old! So much changes in the first year!

Maya is trying reeeeaallly hard to stand up by herself. She pulls up to stand and then very carefully lets go and tries to keep her balance. It's so cute to watch her concentrate and get excited about how long it takes before she falls. One of her favorite toys is her little walker thing. I think it makes her feel grown up.

She is getting very fast at scooting across the floor. No official crawling yet. Also, she has a super cute little baby bum.

She plays peek-a-boo with us now. I love it!

Just yesterday she went from laying down to sitting up by herself. We watched her do it on the video camera while she was supposed to be napping. And then she pulled herself up on the crib! Ryan thinks it is cute because it means she is getting older. And while it IS cute, it also means nap time just got harder for mommy.

She signs "more" now.

Watching Baby Signing Time
She spent 4 1/2 days without me. It was harder for me than it was for her. I was in Las Vegas for the ABC Kids Tradeshow for work all last week. It's good to know she can survive without me!

She still sticks out her tongue when she is excited. :)

I am really super excited for the holidays with her. She has so much personality!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Sweet little Maya--she sure is growing up fast! The cutest sight ever is her walking along behind her little push-toy. Those precious little legs!