Friday, January 21, 2011


On Tuesday night I decided to make soup. I very rarely make soup from scratch (or from a can). Not quite sure why; I suppose that soup is just not "amazing" to me in most instances. I usually go for something a little more adventurous and different in my dishes. However, it has been requested of me to cook dinners a little more down-home-on-the-farm. I figured soup was a pretty safe decision.

So I whipped up some Southwest Chicken Corn Chowder that I found in one of my Healthy Cooking magazines. I added a few other spices, but left the salt out so that Ryan and I could both "season to taste". It was a hit! I went ahead and made the entire batch, since soup is such a great leftover once the flavors have melded, and it's so easy to freeze too!

Give this soup a try the next time the weather is chilly. It's delicious!


Holly Meehleis said...

Since we're moving tomorrow and will have our own kitchen, (!!!!) I'm gonna start trying some of the recipes you put on here! =D I'm very excited!

Tabi said...

I think that you should post up a new meal you make and recipe each week! I love trying new things! And you information is so helpful! :)

andrea said...

We LOOOOVED this soup! I added a can of black beans too. yum yum!