Sunday, January 2, 2011

I'm alllll alone....

Ryan starts his new job tomorrow!
Before he was officially hired, he asked the HR contact that he had been talking to about travel; how often and for how long. She told him that hardly anybody ever travels, and when they do, it's usually no more than a week.

See that big red dot? The one by Chicago, very close to Lake Winnebago? That is where Ryan is, and I am not. He will be there for the next 2 weeks! So much for sparse travel - his first two weeks on the job are spent more than one thousand miles from ME.
On a happier note, upon finding out about this business trip, Ryan was brilliant enough to suggest that I spend the time without him with my older sister in Illinois! So my mom and I have a flight out there in a few days until the end of Ryan's trip. I am excited for that great distraction, and I hope that the next few days go by quickly!

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