Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Ben's Graduation

When I was 9 years old my younger brother was born. A few memories of growing up with him:

He called me "Mimi" when he was little because one day I was getting him up from his nap and he was crying and I said, "Don't cry! It's me! It's me!"

We got him a basketball hoop and ball for his birthday when he was three or four. We have a video recording of him shooting the ball and when he would make it he did the cutest little victory dance.

At his second or third birthday party he blew out the candles and said, "I did it!" with the most excited face you can imagine on a little boy. I still want to squish his little face when I remember that. :)

I took him to the park with me once for a picnic. He fell off the twirly thing and got his leg caught underneath it. It was quite the nasty gash and my mom had to meet us at the emergency room.

Last summer we went on a bike ride together and we saw a snake on the trail. It totally freaked me out!

He went mountain biking with Ryan and me last summer and I was impressed by the fact that he isn't a little kid anymore.

The fact that he is 9 years younger than I am kind of meant that memories got a little more sparse when I moved out when he was 10. But it has been fun to come home and see how much he's changed. Between getting braces and glasses and getting tall and trading in those glasses for contacts and being able to drive alone and going on dates, it has been fun to watch him grow up into a man.

And now, before we all knew it, he has graduated high school. Seriously, years just pass by like it's nothing. Some family came from Utah to take part in the graduation celebration. We had a BBQ Saturday afternoon and then went to the ceremony at 5:30.

Congratulations, Ben! You have grown into a great young man, and I wish you the best of luck at BYU-I !

Some of the food at the BBQ - this is like a quarter of what we had.

That is Ben walking after receiving his diploma

Ben and his buddy

Holly, your face in this picture makes me happy. 


Crystal Browning said...

I never knew that story about why Ben started calling you Mimi! That is so cute! I loved reading this post and looking at the pictures. Miss you guys!

Dad said...

Thank you for a wonderful summary of your memories and of Ben's big day! What a great weekend it was, indeed!

Holly Meehleis said...

I'm really excited about how awesome I look in that picture! That's a keeper for sure ;)
I never knew that Mimi story, either! That's great!
I still can't get over how tall and grown up Ben is...it may feel weird forver because to me, he could still be that 3 or 4 year old doing his victory dance after making a basket...

Mom said...

Thanks for the memories, and the pics. It has been a wondrous thing for me to see a child of mine turn into a man--pretty cool stuff.