Sunday, October 9, 2011

Chocolate Marble Bread

Have you ever looked at a picture of a recipe and thought it looked just beautiful? That was what I thought when I saw this bread. (Yes. Bread. Again.) Yesterday the weather was cold and dreary so it was basically mandatory that I bake something. I found this recipe and had everything I needed for it, so I decided to give it a go. I had never made bread this "fancy" before, but was excited for the challenge.

It is called Chocolate Marble Bread and you can find the recipe by clicking here.

The only additional tip I have is take make sure that the top layer of circles are level. I had 3 that were just kind of hanging out on top, and they exploded all over the place (not literally) and made the finished product a little Quasimodo-ish. It still tasted delicious though, so don't worry about it if you're not going for beauty.

This is the bottom of the bread when it came out of the oven (it is baked in a tube pan) - I thought it was pretty!

And here it is, in all its sliced and glazed glory:

Happy Fall Baking!

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