I got to hear this guy play the keyboard on Friday!
Just in case you aren't a die-hard New Age fan, this man with such voluptuous hair is Yanni - a very talented musician hailing from Greece. His music reminds me of my childhood, mostly of going on family road trips to Utah. His music is great, but for some unknown reason, is not equally appreciated by everyone. But trust me, if you're feeling like relaxing or doing homework or taking a bath or simply wanting to enjoy peaceful (mostly) music, program yourself a Yanni station on Pandora.
This past Christmas, my dad got the whole family [that resides in Colorado] tickets to Yanni's concert on April 29th. When the night finally came, we started it off with dinner at Cinzetti's. That food is delicious! It is an Italian buffet, but a style of buffet that much exceeds the ambiance and enjoyableness of Golden Corral or #1 Asian Buffet (yes, we have one of those here in Fort Collins).
Next came the concert! It was in a pretty intimate theater, which was great. Yanni was super interactive with the audience, and I love when artists make an effort to do that.
He played a lot of his older songs, despite having just released a new CD. Kind of weird, but it was really fun to hear my childhood songs being played live. I also liked being able to share something that I love with Ryan, even if it isn't his usual genre of music.
Thanks, Dad, for raising us on such fantastic music and later taking us to watch the man who plays it! Love you!
pretty sure you're the only person I know who likes Yanni. how very chantal of you.
What a shame! You should try to socialize with more well rounded people probably!
What a wonderful evening it was with all of the family members who live here in Colorado and listening to music that is, to me at least, made by some of the most talented musicians in the world!
Great food, fantastic music, superb company! It can't get any better than that!
Love you, too, Chantal. Looking forward to the next time!!
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