Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I spy with my little eye

Today I saw 3 things that made me very happy. Notably happy, not just, "oh, how nice" happy.

#1. I grabbed a school newspaper today whilst waiting for my final to begin (totally rocked the 2 I took today - I think). Flippin' through the pages, I came across this:

I should imagine that you see the notably-happy-making-sight. I cannot WAIT for this Saturday, when I get to see him shake hands with some guy and never have to take another stressful class in his life! Honestly, I may be more excited than he is!

#2. After I finished my final, I walked outside and noticed something I did not think I would be seeing today:

This is an artistic shot of the front of my coat. See that whiteness that could be mistaken for a fizzle? It is snow. Snow!! Granted, the little baby flurries stopped after like 30 seconds, but I still saw them, and they brightened my day.

#3. My hope was not to have to go grocery shopping this week, but seeing as Ryan's dad and grandma are going to be staying with us for a night this weekend, and Ryan and I have kind of been scrounging for food already the last couple of days, I figured it would be best to stock up a little on nourishing goods. So to the store I went, and happened across this loveliness:

This is a particular ice cream that was introduced to me by my Sessie (grandma) when we went to Utah for General Conference in October. It is Blue Bunny's Caramel Toffee Crunch. The best part?? Not only is it quite yummy, this stuff has no sugar added and is fat free! Try some, your life will be better for it.

1 comment:

Mom said...

All your 3 things are enough to make anyone's day--I don't know how you got so lucky to get all 3 at once! Truly an amazing day.