Sunday, December 12, 2010

I'm dreamin'...

I love snow. It is beautiful, white, and somehow evokes a wonderful feeling of peace and goodwill towards man. It's romantic, too! Every year I look forward to the first real snow of the Christmas season. Last year by this time there had been several rounds of snowfall in Fort Collins, and the weather was bitterly cold. (I remember walking to class in -19 degree weather one morning; a day I absent mindedly forgot a coat). It was wonderful and horrible at the same time, but I will always love the snow, and knew that I would undoubtedly have a white Christmas!

Today is December 12th; less than 2 weeks until Christmas. Usually by this time of year, there has been at least a few instances of a blanketed-in-white world. This holiday season, however, good ol' Fort Collins has been a little more like this:

I took this photo on Friday, the 10th, at school. Ryan and I got new winter coats for extra warmth for Christmas, and I want to wear it!

This is the Christmas I experienced last year:

I suppose I may just have to have a White Christmas by memory.

(Come on, Jack Frost, come out from your hiding place! )


Mom said...

Wow do I ever hear ya! I'm having a hard time even realizing its Christmastime, let alone feeling that Christmas spirit! Wish it wasn't so wrapped up in something we have so little control over (the weather) but for me that is the case. But its only the 13th--there's still hope. C'mon Frosty!!

Holly Meehleis said...

today was even worse...63 degrees!! Garrett wore a short sleeved shirt to school without a coat..what the crap, Colorado?!?