Monday, December 20, 2010

A Blessing and a Graduation

This weekend was busy. Really busy. But in a good way! Ryan and I both finished our last finals on Thursday. On Friday afternoon, the busy-ness began. After lunch with some of our family from Ryan's side, we came back home and Ryan's dad (Kent), was kind enough to help Ryan repair our garage and the ceiling fan in the upstairs bathroom, while I chatted with Ryan's grandmother and learned lots of interesting things about her. Now I know where Ryan gets his handyman skills from!

On Saturday afternoon, we all headed over to Brady and Erin's home for the blessing of their new son, Logan. Lots of family was there, and we enjoyed seeing everybody. The blessing was very nice, and afterwards we had lunch and chatted.

Koenig family with their new little man

Proud grandparents - Cindy and Berne

Three generations

Looks quite content with a baby in his arms, doesn't he?

Ryan and me with his grandmother, Lois

Ryan had his graduation the same day, so he and I headed over to CSU to get him ready and so that I could save seats. I discovered that people get a little irritated when one small woman is trying to save 18 seats - but I managed and we were all able to sit together.

I got there 45 minutes before it started, and got great seats!


After the ceremony, we went to dinner at East Moon Asian Bistro. I had been racking my brain for a good graduation present for Ryan for a few weeks, and suddenly had the epiphany that two of his very good friends and their wife/fiancée were going to be in town for Christmas. So I contacted both couples and arranged to have them surprise Ryan at the restaurant. He had just the reaction I was hoping for, and after a stressful day he was able to unwind with some people he hadn't seen in months. I wanted to get a picture of all three of the guys, but it slipped my mind with all the fun and chatting!

We've had an amazing first weekend out of school, and are looking forward to it just getting better!!


Crystal said...

Congratulations, Ryan!!!! Looks liks such a wonderful weekend. We were thinking of you guys!



Holly Meehleis said...

That was a great night. Congrats, brother-in-law!