Friday, November 19, 2010

Oh, the muse of it all

CSU parking is absolutely ridiculously horrendous. Yes, I did need all of those describing words because it is THAT bad. I had a test in my first class this morning. One to which I am habitually late. I did not want to be late today, so when I saw an empty spot for my car, I took it. No matter that it was only big enough to grant 6-inches of exit space on either side. It wasn't MY fault that the other parkers felt the need to give themselves ample amount of room to get out of their cars. So. I smooshed my car in there, climbed into the back seat and out the door and was 5 minutes early to my class!! Success. And I think I did very well on my test, in case you were wondering.




Crystal said...

LOL! This is great!

BYU parking was similarly horrible. College parking-lot planners need to get a clue.

Dad Duggins said...

Whoa, that's close!! Before reading your blog, I thought the point of the blog was going to be that someone pulled in that close after you had parked, making it impossible for you to get in your car! But no, I find out that the point of the blog is that you are superwoman with a very limber and small body! Congratulations on your exit achievement and for doing well on your test (I assume). I've got to wonder, though, what the guy on your left must have been thinking!! Perhaps that the silver Dodge was driven by the mom from the "Incredibles" movie!!