Monday, March 12, 2018

Dallin - 8 Months

Happy 8 months to Dallin! He is such a wonderful baby. I feel so blessed to have him in our home.

Dallin now eats 3 meals, along with nursing 4 times a day. Most of his meals consist of pureed baby food, but we are introducing more table foods, which he loves. One morning we had crepes for breakfast and when he saw that, he wanted nothing to do with his baby food and desperately wanted some of the crepes. He also likes berries, dry cereal, bread, cheese, and pasta. He does not like spicy food even a little, but shrieks and cries until the pain goes away (I may have accidentally given him something spicy a couple of times).

When he laughs he puts his hand(s) up to his mouth.

Dallin has 5 teeth now! He has used them to bite me when nursing on more than one occasion. One night last week he kept biting me and I scolded him pretty hard. After that he went on a breastfeeding strike and it was a struggle to get him to latch back on again. He skipped his before bed feeding and it was a struggle to get him to eat when he woke up at 3 AM (which usually would not be a big deal but I was feeling a little desperate to fix this problem we were facing), but he eventually decided he does in fact enjoy mama's milk and he hasn't bitten me again - so far.

He is finally starting to sleep really well at night. Most nights he still wakes up one time, but I can usually get him to go back to sleep without nursing him. 

He is starting to bob to music a little bit and it is so cute!!

He loves his whole family very much. He gives us all the snuggliest of hugs and is always smiling and enjoying the people around him.

No army crawling yet, but I'm starting to see him make an effort to do it. 

His favorite thing to play with, which is also usually off limits, is paper and magazines. He goes bonkers trying to get it if it is in close proximity. Of course, he usually rips it and eats it, so we very rarely let him play with it. Sorry, buddy!

He is such a sweet and happy baby! 

1 comment:

Dad said...

Love that Dallin guy so much!!