Wednesday, February 7, 2018

January Came and Went

January went by so fast!! We had a great month with lots of fun things.

I, of course, tried some new hair styles. By the way, Brianna doesn't have a sneaky mole on the back of her head. That is a scab from falling backwards and hitting her head on a windowsill. I wanted so bad to pick it off but she would yell at me and say, "Don't!  My body will heal it!" 

The girls often ask me to print pictures for them to color. These are all of the horse and My Little Pony pictures that I printed and they colored. 

I loooove this hairstyle. Looks elegant but is so easy to do.

Dallin went on a three day nap-strike. I would lay him down for his nap and he would just scream for an hour until I got him back up again. I told him if he wasn't going to nap then he was going to learn! 

I did some hair and stuff.

Brianna has been dressing herself for a while, and most of the time her outfits match just fine. But on this day I wasn't so sure. There is a pineapple on that shirt that you can't see. It was a school day, so I wanted her to change, and I tried explaining to her why. Then I realized something. I wanted her to change because I was worried what other people might think. I decided that she could wear whatever she wanted to because shame on me if I instill the mindset that what other people think matters more than what she wants to do (as long as it is appropriate and good).

One day after school we went to a new park in town called the Twin Silo Park. It was our first time and I think that subsequent times will include Daddy. It's a huge playset and needs a parent to help little kids. Very fun though!!

The zip line was a big hit. 

We spent a Saturday in Erie to say goodbye to our dear friends, the Techeras. They moved to Grand Junction and who knows when we will get to see them again. We went out to lunch at 5280 Burger Bar (super yummy) and then we went to The Butterfly Pavilion. Afterwards we had dinner at their home and then headed back to Fort Collins.

A butterfly landed on Walter three times! You can see it flying off of him in this picture.

A butterfly landed on Maya's head! She was funny about it and made us all laugh.

Their baby girl, Belen, and Dallin are 8 days apart. They had the same due date! Someday they will get married, we think.

Ryan has been working really long hours lately so when he is home he is loved to pieces.

Heart hair.

Dallin showing off his mad sitting skills.

The kids all want to hang out when I'm getting ready in the morning. I must be pretty great. 

At World Market the girls found a book and comfy chairs to sit on. That store is so much fun and I wish I could buy so much of it!

For "C" day at school (circus) Maya dressed as an acrobat. I tried to make her hair match the part.

This is her acrobat pose. Why, hello, teenage Maya. (How does she know how to stand like that?!) 

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