Friday, January 19, 2018

December Stuff, 3 weeks into January

I don't know why, but I love taking pictures of sweet sleeping babies. He's such a doll and does great on car rides. Mr. Turtle keeps him company.

Maya and Brianna were given sticker charts by Nana to meet goals. Brianna's first goal was to stop waking up in the night. She had been having a hard time staying asleep, and when she woke up, she would cry and yell until I went in there. We had a talk about how Mommy has to get up with Dallin in the night, so if she needs something she can come to us, but otherwise, she just needs to go back to sleep. After she completed her sticker chart (15 days of not waking) she got a prize! She chose to make cookies with Nana. She was SO excited, but on the way to Nana's house she fell asleep. Way asleep. So she napped first. 

When she woke up they had a fun time making Kris Kringle cookies, one of our traditional cookies from growing up.

During the month of December I decided I wanted to make a new kind of Christmas cookies every week. Our first one was a cherry chocolate chip crinkle cookie. They were so good! I also made a peanut butter and chocolate crinkle cookie (I guess I like the crinkles), and then finally the honey sugar cookies on Christmas Eve.

The girls played Go Fish together.


Maya got some new nail polish for her birthday from a friend, and she asked to paint my nails. She did an okay job!

We had some nice weather so the girls got to go on a bike ride.

Dallin decided to try out sucking his thumb. He must not have loved it, because he only did it that one day.


Maya loves to draw. I am a fan of the cute little duck in this picture.

Sisters and brother time!

She came into Dallin's room while I was nursing him and said. "Somehow I got lipstick all over my mouth." Yes. Somehow. What a mystery.

Then of course Brianna needed lipstick too and they both proceeded to kiss Dallin all over his forehead. He thought that was pretty great.

Our fridge and pantry are often covered with pictures and crafts.

Criss-cross applesauce!

Dallin was getting a kick out of my phone being in front of his face!

Crystal and her kids came to visit for a few days after Christmas. My dad and Holly took all of them (the bigger kids anyway) to the Discovery Museum. They were there all afternoon and had a great time! 

1 comment:

Holly Meehleis said...

Several of these pictures and captions made me lol. Maya actually did a really good job with that lipstick application! And Dallin's mouth in response to your phone being in front his face--priceless! haha