Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Dallin - 6 months

Dallin! How are you already half way to a year?! It's amazing how fast the time goes when babies are little. Someone said to me at church that this is the longest shortest time. How true that is. Goes so fast, and yet each day seems to drag on, especially when sleep is hard to find.

Dallin is now 14 lbs 10 oz (5%), 26 1/4 inches long (32%), and his head is 17 1/2 inches around (82%). He's a cute little squirt, but he feels so heavy when I'm carrying him around while I make dinner because he won't have it (quietly) any other way.

His two bottom teeth are coming in simultaneously. They don't seem to be bothering him, thank goodness. 

He is putting himself on an 8 PM to 8 AM schedule, and his naps are taking a hit. He now naps around 10 AM - 11 AM, and in the afternoon he sleeps sometimes. If I'm lucky. Right at this moment, not so much. I thought he had an ear infection but at his well visit he was healthy. Even though his naps are hard right now, he is generally pretty happy when he's awake, so I guess I can't complain too much.

He is still waking up once or twice a night, and I am still nursing him when he does. His first feeding is thisclose to being completely weaned, and then we will work on the second feeding. I love sleep but I hate sleep training. I really have a hard time being consistent with the weaning part, but I'm getting better at watching my phone. 

He now has a breakfast of pureed fruit and a dinner of fruit/veggie and meat (all pureed). The doctor said to start introducing textures, so we will start doing that soon. He loves food and so far has not rejected anything I have offered.

He is starting to sit on his own, for a few seconds at a time. I am excited for him to reach that milestone! It's nice to be able to sit a kid down instead of lay a kid down all the time.

He loves to play peek-a-boo, and has started shaking his head "no". He has the best giggles and makes everyone around him smile. When he won't fall asleep for naps, I have Brianna work her magic. She says, "Shhh. shhhh. shhhhhhh." Then sings him Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Then she tells me, "Okay, lay him down now." And he goes to sleep without a peep! Every time! She is very proud of that.

We love this little boy!!!

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