Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Yum yum

I haven't blogged about food in a long time (I guess my new obsession with a child has something to do with that), so I thought I would tonight!

My in-laws, Cindy and Berne, got me a pasta roller and cutters for my KitchenAid for Christmas. I. Love. Pasta. So this gift was perfect! 

We decided to try it out tonight. I had to add a lot more water to the dough than it called for, but we got it. The whole process was actually pretty easy! The recipe I had made a lot, so we dried and froze half

and ate the other half. 

I made homemade Italian bread to have with it, and the meal was perfect. And so fun to make! I look forward to doing it again and again!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Wow that looks super yummy- and fun!