Saturday, January 11, 2014

Crazy Spectacular.

The last time I nursed Maya was on November 9th, her 11 month birthday. It was a hard decision for me, mainly because she and I both enjoyed that time together. But several factors led to the decision of weaning her. 

On November 26th I had a suspicion that something had happened. My suspicions were later confirmed:

I knew I was further along than just a few weeks because (warning: TMI) I took this test at 4 PM using very diluted pee. The line showed up right away, but it had only been 17 days since Maya was weaned. I hadn't had a period since before I got pregnant with Maya so I couldn't know for sure. 

My first reaction was, "Wow. Ok. That was fast." And then I was sad for a moment for Maya. Maybe that's silly, but it happened. 

Actually, it took me a few weeks to really accept it. Not because I didn't want it (it was planned), but because it just didn't seem real. My symptoms are very minimal. If I hadn't taken that test I would have had no idea until my pants started getting tighter. Which is AWESOME but made it seem even less real. 

My first OB appointment was January 2nd. We went in hoping to see a cute little bean with a rapid and strong heartbeat. This is what we saw:

That is not a bean! Haha! At my appointment I was 11 weeks 4 days, which means that I took that test when I was a little more than 6 weeks. Our little lime was twitching its tiny arms and looks great so far. I couldn't believe I got through the first trimester without knowing!

Our new baby is due on July 20th. Ryan thinks it is a boy, but I haven't a guess. I imagine we will know around the beginning of March! 

Now that I have a due date, it is much more real. And my baggy pants aren't so baggy anymore. We are so excited to add to our family!

Here I am at 14 weeks. (Jan. 19th) 26 weeks to go!


Alyssa said...

Awesome!!! Congratulations! :)

Dad said...

Lookin' great!!! Wonderful news!
Love you...tons!

Mom said...

Yay! Awesome post with awesome news!!!

James and Laura Neibaur said...

Yay! So much fun. I can't wait to know what it is :)

James and Laura Neibaur said...

Hey, You don't live too far away, maybe 20 minutes. We need to get together soon. I want to meet your baby. I'm so glad you are feeling good. That makes such a difference, especially when you already have a rug rat. I'm feeling better, slowly. But, I still need some girl time.


WOOO HOOO!!! What fabulous news... your beautiful family is growing, literally ;) ! Love you guys so-so much. Give gorgeous Maya a big-love from all of us!