Wednesday, January 1, 2014


This year Christmas was a little different. Well, actually a lot different.

We had plans to spend Christmas morning at our home with my parents and sister/bro-in-law. But on the morning of the 21st we received a call from my parents letting us know that my grandpa (Papa) passed away late the night before. We left the afternoon of Christmas Eve and spent 5 days in Utah celebrating the life of Papa and spending time with family. It was a very touching and memorable time, and I am so glad we were able to attend. 

The services were very nice, and I learned a lot about Papa's life while we were there. Maya also did fantastic on both flights and during the time we were there, even though her naps were rather sporadic most days. I was very glad to get her home and back into a routine. 

We celebrated Christmas with my parents in the evening of New Year's Eve this year. We did presents (I did a really bad job of photos and only took a few... I'm on my phone posting this and will need to add photos of the gift opening later), had kaese spaetzle for dinner (German version of Mac and cheese) and then played games until midnight, when we rang in 2014. 

Maya also took her first steps New Years Eve! It was so cute. I can't wait for her to be all-out walking, although many people have told me it will get a lot harder. 

Ryan's mom/stepdad got us an air swimmer for Christmas. Ryan was assembling it and holding the tail in his mouth. From where I was sitting it looked quite funny. 

Today we took Maya to her first movie theater film. We saw Frozen (so cute!). She loved it! It was right during her naptime (we were with Ryan's side of the family so we didn't choose the time), but she sat contentedly with Ryan or me and watched almost the entire thing. I loved it. It is so fun to be a parent. 

Happy new year everyone! May 2014 bring joy and laughter! I know I'm looking forward to it!!


Mom said...

It truly was a different Christmas--your post summed it up beautifully. It was special and tender time.

New Years Eve was such a blast--I loved watching Maya taking her first steps!!

Looking forward to a wonderful 2014!!

Holly Meehleis said...

I wish at lot of times that I could be in two places at once! I'm sad I missed getting to see Maya take her first steps, but that video of her wobbly little body you sent is pretty precious ;) I look forward to our next get-together!