Friday, January 20, 2012

For the love of...

Guess what?! I am learning that I can enjoy things that I never used to or thought that I would!

I am almost 27 years old, I have NEVER had ANY interest in politics. How did I choose who to vote for, you ask? Easy. Other people's opinions. But the 2012 elections have hooked me. Every time there is a debate on, I find myself wanting to watch it and enjoy every moment of it. I am anxious to learn who ends up winning the primary, and even more anxious for the presidential election in November (even if it is better odds that Obama will win than that he will lose).

Sports. Football in particular. I cannot honestly say that I sit down and watch the whole game - it's more on in the background while I look at Pinterest or play a game on our iPad or something else equally multi-taskable. But there is something magical about rooting for a team, and that magic grows tenfold when that team has a player that is being praised by the entire nation. I'm even getting a hang of all of the rules! There are seriously SO many it's almost ridiculous. The only thing I don't like about it is watching them play in such cold weather that I can see their breath puff out from behind the cage-like apparatus on their head. That makes me sad for them.

Country music. I know. You're probably thinking (at least if you know me well), "Wha?? Chantal likes country music???" Yes. I do. Not of all it - but seriously, is there any genre of music in which every single song can be loved and adored? No sir. But there is something about country that makes me feel all lovey dovey inside. I don't have a favorite country music singer yet, but I think I'm likin' Tim McGraw. I think that this is the most dramatic of my new likes, because it is music that I have been exposed to in the past, and have never ever even a little bit been able to find some enjoyment from it (except for Shania Twain and SheDaisy). Before I would admit my new liking of country music, Ryan would turn it on sometimes and then catch me wiggling my hips to the beat, and tease me for it. I figure it is about time to fess up to it.

So, how do you suppose I have become a lover of politics, football, and country music? My husband. These are all things that he has enjoyed for some time. I love spending time with him, no matter the activity or the background music. I love watching him react to good and bad plays that happen during football games. I love watching debates with him and having somebody next to me to answer my questions. I also love that it gives him somebody to talk to when he wants to discuss politics, instead of having to wait for our up-and-coming lawyer friend to be in town. I love plugging one of our phones into the speakers in our room and turning on country music to get ready to in the morning. I even sometimes listen to it by myself on Pandora at home while Ryan is at work so that I can learn the songs and know them when we are listening to it together.

I really like liking new things.


Dad Duggins said...

I really love seeing you two together and the positive influence you have on each other!!

...but, country music?? Come on, now... :)


I'm with your pops... COUNTRY MUSIC?... REALLY?... YIKES!!! But, your head-bangin' Aunt Laur... still loves ya ;)!

Holly Meehleis said...

I've been enjoying politics myself lately! but football and country music? not happening any time soon...

Grandma M said...

Well, in growing up and only one radio station in town and only country music was played 99.99% of the time you get hooked on it. I love country music. Good to hear you are branching out musically Chantal, you go right ahead and enjoy!! I so enjoyed your posting. Love you Grandma M.