Thursday, September 26, 2019

August Antics

It might be nearly the end of September, but that doesn't mean we didn't experience August at our house! Here are some fun updates from the month. 

I threw a grape, aiming for the sink, and it landed here. Of course I had to document this miracle.

We have seen a lot of dragonflies this year! They're so pretty.

One of the items on our summer bucket list was to go to an ice cream shop. One hot afternoon we met our friends Camille and Emma at Ben and Jerry's in Old Town Square. We got our ice cream and then the kids played in the pop fountains for a while. It was a really fun afternoon!

Lunch in front of the TV. I love these kids.

Another bucket list item was painting. The girls had fun creating masterpieces.

My two littles. Warms my mommy heart!

Brianna ran into a door knob and got a black eye. Whoops!

As Ryan finishes our basement he is awakening some creatures of the darkness. This spider crawled out from the depths of the underworld into our basement. Ryan put on his man-sized panties and caught it! After ooo-ing and ahh-ing and ewww-ing for a while he released it in the field behind our house. It is definitely the biggest spider I have ever seen in the wild!

Dallin loves spending time with Maya. They enjoyed looking at books together one morning.

We had dinner at a friends' house from the ward, and the girls got to gather chicken eggs from their back yard! This couple has a lot of chickens and two horses. After dinner Tony took them on a ride around their property in a trailer thing. The kids loved our visit with them!

August was full of completing items on our bucket list. Another one was a trip to Scheel's. They're ultimately a really big sport equipment store but have some fun things to look at and do. We had some fun bowling and looking at stuffed animals.

Ryan and I watched an amazing lightning storm one night! It went on for hours. We didn't watch it for hours. It wasn't THAT cool.

Maya and Brianna helped shred chicken for a salad one night. I don't remember what I was doing that required their help with this, but I appreciated it!

We started reading the Harry Potter series and finished the first book right before school started. It is very fun to share this snip bit of my "childhood" (if you count being a teenager and young adult as part of your childhood) with them.

On the Friday before school started I took all four kids to the pool by myself. We only stayed for about an hour, but everyone had a good time, and *BONUS* no one cried when it was time to go. Mommy Level: Expert. At least for this one day.

I pickled some banana peppers from our garden. We have since eaten almost all of these and they turned out quite yummy! I think I will plant them again next year.

Daddy time is always the best.

Brianna was home sick from school. Dallin didn't quite get that she needed to rest and therefore be left alone. He wanted to be right by her all day.

Oh look! One hair do for the month! Honestly, I do stuff slightly more often than I document, but I don't take pictures like I used to. Probably because I don't get to do as fancy of stuff anymore. They won't let me. *sniffle*

One glorious thing about having both girls in school all day is getting to run errands with just two kids instead of four. There is something magical about having one kid in the cart and one kid strapped to me and zero kids touching everything, asking to buy everything, not paying attention and getting left behind. Ahh yes. I do bask in this.

I took Dallin and Lydia to Hobby Lobby one day and afterwards we went to Cafe Rio for lunch. They were both very well behaved and I loved my time with them!

1 comment:

Holly Meehleis said...

I know I'm late to the party, but your grape-catching skills are mad! lol! And that spider is a terrifying demon of the netherworld. I'm glad Ryan didn't peepee in his man-sized panties, cuz I sure would have!