Friday, April 21, 2017

Easter Celebrations

Easter was very fun this year. We started it off with an Easter Egg Hunt at playgroup.

When class was over at Maya's preschool they had an egg hunt in the gym. There were SO many eggs! It was also Wacky Day at school, which is why Maya's outfit is a little mismatched and she has two different shoes. 

On Good Friday, Ryan went on a camping trip with the boy scouts (his first one!). On Saturday the girls and I spent some time in the morning making sugar cookies to decorate.

While the cookies baked they made an Easter basket craft supplied by Nana.

After we did the cookies we got dressed and ready to go to an Easter celebration at City Park put on by Antioch Church. We were super bummed that Daddy couldn't be there with us.

I was so impressed by the event! They had a decent number of bounce houses.

They had a lot of tents set up for carnival games. Maya and Brianna tried the ring toss. They didn't get the concept at all, but still won little plastic bracelets.

Brianna's crossed arms were so funny. She was acting very serious about her ring toss experience.

We invited two family groups to join us, one of which has a little girl that is good friends with Maya. I'm so glad they could come with us!

Lunch (hot dog, chips, and water) was also provided.

Obviously the Easter Bunny was there!

We got some cotton candy. Both girls downed theirs in 5 minutes.

Finally, an Easter egg hunt...or more accurately, gather. The biggest perk about the event was that the entire thing was FREE. We will definitely be doing it again.

Later that afternoon after Ryan got back from camping we worked on decorating the Easter cookies.

Right before dinner (while Ryan made fajitas for dinner; thank you!!!!) we dyed our eggs! I was quite exhausted from the events of the day (I also spent an hour making a cheesecake) and did not want to deal with messes or stress so I did it all by myself. The girls watched, but all in all it took about 10 minutes. 

On Easter morning Maya and Brianna found their Easter baskets brought by the bunny. It was fun to hear them get so excited about them. It was not fun that they got up at 6:20 to discover their treats. Normally I don't get up with them when it's that early, but I wanted to see them enjoy their gifts!

After breakfast we all got dolled up in our Easter dresses. I love the polka-dots!

This. This is the Chocolate Mousse Cheesecake. It's kind of hard to tell in this picture, but it was perfectly flat. Nary a crack in sight. I stared at it for a while before I poured chocolate ganache all over the top of it. I was so glad I did research on creating a perfect cheesecake. I have made some before that were rather unsightly!

We had another (4th! It's getting to be as bad as trick-or-treating!) Easter Egg Hunt in our backyard right before going to church.

For dinner that evening we had the Techera and Lindsey families over. It was a great group and we had a nice time. I meant to take a picture of the food spread, but it slipped my mind. Maybe next year I will actually remember!

Happy Easter everyone!

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