Friday, April 21, 2017

3rd Trimester - Yay!

I am now 28 weeks along in pregnancy #3. I am still feeling relatively good. There are some things that are happening earlier this time around that aren't my favorite. Swollen feet, restless legs (oh my goodness SO annoying), and having to modify exercising to name a few.

My body feels like it knows what's up. I get Braxton Hicks all the time, sometimes they even wake me up they're so strong. I am mentally gearing myself up for a fast labor in a few months.

I am measuring right on track, which I love. I keep thinking this baby is bigger but I guess not.

He is a wiggly sort!! Yesterday he was pushing some part of his body right out at my belly button. It was funny to see it poke out. I do enjoy being able to feel limbs through my stomach with my hand and push them back in. He gets hiccups a lot too.

I still love being pregnant, but I also feel ready to have this baby. I can't wait to meet him and add another sweet spirit to our family.

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