Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Brianna - 18 Months

Brianna is 18 months old! She has a lot of personality, is even-keeled, and even makes me laugh when she's angry about something. She now weighs about 20 lbs.

She was really sweet about Christmas this year. She loved driving around to look at lights, and even helped to decorate the tree in her best toddler-way.

She laughs and is content way more than she cries or throws fits. If I am busy doing something else, she finds ways to entertain herself. 

She is potty training herself. The first time she asked to go (and went) was when she was 14 months old. I am pretty sure we will have an easy time transitioning out of diapers with her! 

She can say lots of words and is always trying to say more. She also signs about 25 words. So far she's got a language only Mommy and Daddy can understand, but it's still fun! 

She enjoys imitating people around her. 

She loves to dance! When we put on music she starts to bop her little head and run around in circles. 

She is starting to be girly! So fun! She knows what it means to look "pretty". Every morning she picks out her bow for the day, and has even started to choose her clothes (and sometimes gets rather upset if I grab the wrong thing).

She is a great helper around the house. She enjoys cleaning up and acts concerned when there is a mess ("Meh! Meh!"). She is the same way about her own self. One day she was coloring on the window with dry eraser markers and got a little mark on her thumb. She started crying really hard and I tried not to laugh as I wiped it off.

When she gets mad she looks me square in the eyes, makes two small sounds, and then a LOUD yell/roar/scream. The warning is pretty nice. She did it at church one week when I stepped into Sunday school class (she is not a fan), and I had time to put my hand over her mouth and leave. Hopefully she enjoys nursery a little more!

She is a very adventurous eater. She doesn't like everything, but she tries everything, and that's the best I can ask for at this point! One night we had a ground beef casserole that Ryan decided to turn into a burrito, so of course Brianna wanted one too. 

Brianna is a fantastic little person! I love being her mommy!

1 comment:

Holly Meehleis said...

I love that little girl so very very much!