Thursday, February 12, 2015


I have time to post! It's 11PM and I am lying in my parents' guest bed in a room with pictures of my husband and sister hanging out (they dated in high school). My almost 7 month old is sleeping in the crib at the foot of my bed. Thank goodness for Vicks baby rub. Poor girl finally caught Maya's cold. My two year old is asleep in the room on the other side of the bathroom. I am wide awake so I am going to blog. Nothing in particular, just a record of recent weeks.

I am proud of my role as "model" in the company I work for. It's not my only role, but I love it. New website launch is soon. :)

Brianna can sit up now!

The weather is really starting to feel like spring. I have gone on walks and runs and am loving it. I can't wait for the warmer weather to stick around!

Maya likes to line up her little people, get Ryan's hymn book from his mission, and lead them in song. Unrelated, she also loves to wear this dress of mine. 

(Hello, knee.) And of course there is a closing prayer. 

We went on a walk and fed geese! Brianna enjoyed her late afternoon nap en route. 

She gas graduated to a high chair!! I love not having to hold her, feed her, and eat all at the same time. 

Brianna is really great about letting me work. I can usually get in a good 45 minutes before she starts to whine. 

Maya has started pretending to go shopping (and becoming insistent on wearing a dress everyday). She puts an old cell phone, a wallet, and old credit cards in her purse. I guess the hat just adds to the feel of "going out". 

Ryan is on another business trip this week, so the girls and I came to visit my parents and sister for a night. They were more excited than they look, I promise. And that's where we are tonight!

So there you have it - fun times at the Koenig house!!

I guess I'll go to sleep now. Early mornings are a requirement when having two babies. Good night. 

1 comment:

Holly Meehleis said...

It's been great getting to see you more often lately with you coming up here to stay at Mom and Dad's! I'm glad you have your hubby back again though =)