Sunday, January 18, 2015

Brianna - 6 Months

Brianna Joyce is already half way to a year old! She is such a sweet doll, and we love having her in our family. She and Maya have a great relationship. Maya loves to make her laugh, and Brianna is starting to laugh socially now.

Her two bottom teeth are just starting to poke through. Thank goodness that's almost over with (for now). I have not been enjoying sleepless nights with her. She is showing love and affection with lots of hugs and kisses, especially when she's either really excited or tired. It's quite adorable and I love it, even if her hugs include pulling my hair really hard and sometimes I am afraid her kisses will leave a baby-hickey on my chin (they haven't yet). Worth it!

She is a pro at rolling around to get to things. That's new for me, and I have to make sure there's nothing in the entire room that she shouldn't have, not just within a few feet. She is starting to be able to sit up on her own, but not for longer than a few seconds.

She is happy. Always happy.

She still isn't sleeping through the night though, which would make ME happy! She wakes up quite a bit, but she only nurses once. I started being consistent about night weaning her earlier this week because I really need my sleep again. Hopefully after that she will be able to learn to fall back to sleep without nursing quickly.

Her 6-month appointment is on Tuesday, and I will update with weight and height then, but I'm pretty sure she's still in at least the 50%.

I love my precious little chubby baby!


Dad/Papa said...

Love that smiley little Brianna girl!! What a doll! Your little girls are wonderful!!

Holly Meehleis said...

Love love love that baby girl!!