Thursday, February 13, 2014


We haven't done too much lately.

Ryan has had a deadline at work and has been working late every night for a couple of weeks (so I have too).

I have started waking up at 6 AM to work out and shower before Maya wakes up. I was trying to make time for it during the day, but since she only naps once now I need all of that time to work. I was running with her in a jogger so I could exercise while she was awake, but then it got cold. One day I said, "I need more hours in the day!" And then Ryan said, "You have them! Just get up before her!" What a brilliant man. It has really helped me feel like my day goes more smoothly and I love being showered in the morning instead of staying grubby until the late afternoon. One morning there was a beautiful sunrise.

I try to work a little in the mornings for as long as Maya will let me (or until I feel bad enough for "ignoring" her). This morning she was making a huge mess of papers next to me, like always, and then I hear her giggling a little and I look over and she's sitting in a box of old textbooks. She was excited she managed to get in there on her own!

We also went to the library for a little while today. She was having fun walking through the aisles and exploring. I so enjoy watching her curiosity.

That is a little of what we have been up to lately. Next week... Maya is modeling for the company I work for, we are shopping with my mom, we find out the gender of baby #2, and it's my birthday! Hopefully there is a little more excitement than sitting in a box.


Mom said...

haha I love it! Even the pictures of doing "nothing" are so precious!

Dad said...

Your post and the pictures made me smile (a lot)!! Thanks!

Holly Meehleis said...

Even though sitting in a box is not exciting in and of itself, Maya's little face and cute jammies are so precious!