Sunday, November 10, 2013


This year for Halloween things were a bit different for us since we have a child. That is to say, it was more fun!

Maya loved our pumpkins! When we carved them we let her feel the icky gooey insides. She kind of liked it! 

Our ward had its annual Chili Dinner and Trunk or Treat the weekend before Halloween. I entered the chili cook off and won! Always makes me a little happy. 

We dressed up Maya as a ladybug. Everybody thought she was so cute! One lady convinced me to take her trunk or treating with an extra pumpkin bucket she had. Maya held on to it without help the whole time and watched people put candy in it. It's so fun to be a parent. :)

Maya was asleep when we first got to the party, and after she woke up Ryan tried to tickle her to cheer her up. 

Haha! I don't like being tickled either, especially when I'm hungry!!

Hope you all had a fun Halloween!

1 comment:

Holly Meehleis said...

Lol! That face in the last picture is precious and sad! I'm glad you guys had a fun Halloween =)