Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas at the Koenig's

I had so much fun celebrating Christmas this year! The gift giving started way back on Black Friday. Ryan found lots of things we wanted/needed for amazing deals, so that's when we did all of our shopping. And we did it all together, so we felt it was pointless to wrap anything. Our big gift to ourselves was a new Canon Rebel T4i. We really wanted one to take pictures of our other humongous gift to ourselves that arrived on December 9th.

We went to my parents' house on the 15th (my actual due date) to decorate gingerbread houses and have dinner.
My parents' dog, Fox, was very curious about Maya

Ryan made this Santa :)
We took the opportunity to leave Maya with my parents and go out for sushi for lunch. It was an absolutely fantastic way to celebrate the end of my pregnancy! We also picked up a darling "Baby's First Christmas" ornament for Maya from Hallmark.

On the 23rd my family came to our house for an early Christmas dinner and to open presents. It was a really fun evening full of great company, delicious food, and fun gifts.

On the 24th Ryan and I did a little more Christmas shopping for ourselves at Kohl's and Old Navy. It was great to get out the house - I'm starting to understand "cabin fever"! That evening we made our traditional Christmas Eve dinner of spaetzle (sp??) for dinner. It was delicious!!! We recently bought a spaetzle press, and that made the whole process take a whole lot less time. After dinner we got bundled up and went out to look at Christmas lights. It had started snowing too, which added to the perfection of the evening. We saw a couple of really well decorated homes!

Checking out the lights on our tree
Ready to go look at lights!

Christmas morning was spent lounging around enjoying our little girl. We opened gifts and then headed over to Ryan's sister's to have dinner and play games. We always have a good time with them, and we were glad to get to spend part of our day celebrating Christmas at their home.

Cindy and Berne, Ryan's mom and stepdad, arrived in Colorado on the 26th. They are staying with us until the 31st. We had all of Ryan's siblings and their families over for dessert and more presents on the 26th. It was great to see everybody for the holidays!

Ryan and I feel so blessed by the generosity of our friends and family, and of course for the gift of the Savior. We have so very much to be thankful for this year, namely the safe arrival of Maya.

We hope that you all had a great Christmas and have a fabulous New Year!! I'm looking forward to all of the wonderful things 2013 will bring!

And now for just some fun pictures of a baby Maya!

My grandma (Sessie) crocheted this cocoon for Maya. I love it!

We put her in her stocking because we thought it would look cute. She thought otherwise.

Baby's first Christmas

Snuggle bug

1 comment:

Papa Duggins said...

Sounds like pretty much a perfect Christmas!!