Thursday, September 22, 2011

It's happening!

Fall is coming! The air gets crisp, the leaves change colors, and I get happy.

In fall, I wake up and throw on Ryan's over-sized (for me) hoodie because I'm cold, not just because it's comfortable. I light candles entitled "Leaves" or "Autumn" and the scent of them actually makes sense. I wear jeans and shoes and I'm still a little chilly. I bake. Like crazy. (Why, hello, winter weight!) I can open the curtains without it roasting up the joint by mid-afternoon. I get to wear my cute jackets and long-sleeved shirts again. I get to decorate with pumpkins, leaves, and other richly colored items. I use the heat in my car (which is awesome because my A/C has been getting a little fussy lately).

I gladly embrace the changing season!!

1 comment:

James and Laura Neibaur said...

What a wonderful post! This is by far my favorite season! I have candles too!!!! :)Let's have an autumn girl party! We can make pumpkin treats!