Saturday, September 24, 2011

Cake Pops

I started getting Better Homes and Gardens randomly a few months ago (thanks, Dad!), and I LOVE the October 2011 issue. One recipe in it is called Ghoulish Delights. I made those today, but they turned out a little less cute since it technically is not Halloween season YET.

Basically, they are cake pops. And they are pretty awesome. First off, I feel the need to "apologize" for not posting more healthy recipes lately, but I just love baking!! Additionally, I have made many less "real" dinners as of late. Sorry.

I couldn't find a recipe that was exactly the same as the one in my magazine, so I'll just give you step-by-step with pictures!

STEP 1: Prepare any flavor 9 x 13 pan cake mix according to package directions. Cool completely, then remove cake from pan and crumble in a large bowl. Add a cup of frosting. Beat with a mixer on low speed to combine.

STEP 2: Roll into 1-inch balls. Melt an ounce of vanilla candy coating in the microwave on 50% power. Dip one end of a pop stick (which you can find at a craft store) in the candy coating, then carefully push into a cake ball. Repeat for each ball. Freeze one hour to set.

STEP 3: Melt about 2 lbs (I used a 1 1/2 lb block for the whole recipe and only had one ball not get coated) of vanilla candy coating in the microwave on 50% power, stirring occasionally until melted. (Took about 3 minutes total.) Dip pops in coating, gently shaking off any excess. (They set up FAST so if you want to add sprinkles or anything of the like, do it after each one.)

All done!! Not a ton of work, and a super cute and delicious result! Happy Baking!


JRDavis said...

You've been to right? She has so many AWESOME cake pops! They look so good! Hopefully they tasted just as good.

Mom said...

Okay these were Wonderful!! We had ours for dessert last night and they were just amazing. Dad said I need to get the recipe and make some--I assured him I had access to it :) Thanks for sharing-we love em!