Saturday, August 6, 2011

One Year Down, Five Bajillion + Eternity To Go!

Next Sunday is our one-year anniversary. I know, I know, super duper marriage know-it-alls here.

There have been many new encounters these past 358 days that could never have been experienced without the appropriate "I dos". Some of these things have been fun and silly, interesting, or just plain "huh...really?"

I use a lot more flour and sugar than I EVER did when I was single.
I learned how to properly wash, dry, and hang men's clothing, specifically slacks.
Plants were purchased, and are still alive. Ryan had some before we got married, but they all died.
Decisions must be made with "we" in mind, not "me".
Doing everything - anything - together is infinitely more fun than doing it alone.
Cable TV is not a necessary expenditure to have.
Supporting each other in new endeavors is super important.
I have lots of new shoes that actually don't hurt my feet!
Ryan has the pleasure of experiencing the way a married man should eat.
I have a lot of attributes that I learned from my mom. (Mainly that house chores are the wife's job. Which is okay. It's the least I can do while Ryan works 10 hours a day!)

I think the best part about being married is always having somebody to talk to and trust. Ryan is an exceptional husband. He takes care of me in ways that no other person can. I am grateful for a husband who is a worthy priesthood holder, thrifty but not too tight with the pocket book, understanding and patient of my mistakes, funny, reliable, won't settle for less than we deserve, considerate, kind, and loving. When we first started dating I knew that everything I felt was real and that we were in it for the long haul. There are times when memories from high school cross my mind, and I think how I would have never guessed in a million years that I would marry Ryan, but somewhere along the way the stars lined up just right, and our future was paved. I love being married, but I love being sealed to Ryan even more!

Happy Anniversary, Ryan!


Dad Duggins said...

I love, love, love this post! You two are a fantastic couple and I hope you know how much we love you both!!!!!!! (Bazillion - that's a big number, for sure!!)

Dad Duggins said...

...about the same as Bajillion!!

James and Laura Neibaur said...

This is so sweet! Love it!

Holly Meehleis said...

I share many of your assessments of being married vs. being single, and others just made me laugh because of how well I know, "I have lots of new shoes that actually don't hurt my feet!" lol! Love you, sister!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Love your post!

Mom said...

What a fitting tribute to your first year of marriage, and to your sweet and wonderful husband. Love you both!

Jenni Rollins said...

Once again - amazing.