Friday, August 26, 2011

Birthday Cake

I really wanted to make Ryan a special cake for his birthday. Garrett, my brother-in-law, gave me a chocolate cake recipe for my birthday and I wanted to try it. But, alas, I cannot find it anywhere!! So I perused my cookbooks and magazines for something else fitting. At first, I was going to make him something out of a Healthy Cooking magazine, but I realized his love and adoration for a healthy cake would be minimal. So I splurged. (I have one recipe that uses 3 sticks of butter in the batter and 6 sticks in the frosting. I came thisclose to making it, but decided against the extra weight on my hips.)

I chose Chocolate Ganache Cake. You can find the recipe here. It was the perfect birthday cake.

My finished product:

Try it. Please. Just know this: the frosting and filling take longer to cool than you might expect. And don't feel bad about eating it. Indulgence is all right, especially if it sends you to mouth heaven.

PS For those of you anxiously awaiting pictures and stories about our trip to Mexico, they are forthcoming. I have started working again and my days are very much not spent lounging around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the recipe we may have to try it for Russ' birthday this year