Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How rude. Stop getting my hopes up.

I have been applying for jobs.

I have been looking for them on internet boards, including Craig's List.

You know how Craig's List gives a "WARNING!" before you proceed into the actual listing of jobs? That always seemed somewhat of a "geez, can I please just look at the jobs?" sort of page.

But it's true! Over the last two days I have applied for about 15 jobs, and have heard back from 3. Two of them wanted me to upload my resume to some other website, and one wanted me to do a credit score check before they would proceed with an interview. They also made it super special that I had been chosen. "We have narrowed it down to 3 candidates, and you are one of them!" I know I'm awesome, but I'm not THAT qualified for a receptionist job. At least, not anymore than any other person who doesn't have any experience in an office.

I checked out all of their websites, and they are all total fakes. Thus far my gut has been pretty reliable in the matter, so I haven't followed through with any of their requests. Why are people so mean? And what do they gain by my uploading my resume somewhere? It makes me a little uncomfortable that my home address is listed on my resume.... I think I will take that off now.

1 comment:

Holly Meehleis said...

scary!! Glad you did your research before getting too excited and jumping in!