Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Dallin - 11 Months

Mr. Cute Stuff is 11 months old. He continues to spoil us with smiles, laughs, and happiness. There's not a single thing about this kid that I don't absolutely love!

Dallin has 8 teeth now! No sign of one yet, but I'm expecting another tooth (molar) anytime now. His body seems to keep those chompers coming.

He's crawling! He started crawling the day after he turned 10 months, so he's an old pro now. He's super speedy, and I feel bad for his knees and feet on our tile. They are a little raw. 

He is half weaned, nursing only first thing in the morning and last thing before bed. During the day he prefers breastmilk cold and in a sippy instead of warm and in a bottle. I guess if it's warm he's not so happy it isn't coming straight from the source. 

He is starting to laugh socially and it's hilarious. The girls will be cracking up about something (99% of the time it has something to do with poop or farts. So feminine.) and he will start in with this goofy kind of fake sounding laugh. 

He now, pretty much every single night, sleeps from 8 PM - 6:30/7 AM without waking. It felt like a long time coming and I'm so glad we finally got there. When I tuck him in at night I can say, "See you in the morning." and have it actually happen.

He waves hi/bye and gives kisses (sometimes)! He has also picked up a nasty habit of biting me really hard on the shoulder when I'm holding him. I will admit it leaves a pretty cute tooth circle mark on my skin, but if he thinks he's kissing when he does that....not good! He smiles when I tell him to stop. 

He recently started eating cereal with milk in a bowl. He is pretty adamant that he get to eat whatever everyone else is eating, and one day he was whining loudly and staring down my cereal. So I gave him some of his own, and he ate so much! He finds joy in being a big boy, I think. 

Dallin is a great snuggler, especially if he has his blankie. He loves to give hugs and can bring a smile to anyone's face.

He is still a mama's boy, but not intensely. If he can hear me but not see me, he will whine until he crawls to me and I pick him up. He also still gets very excited when Daddy is around. Those two are going to go one some great adventures some day, I'm sure of it.

Dallin, I don't know how I got so blessed to have you in my life, but I sure am grateful!!! I can't believe we celebrate your first birthday so soon! 

1 comment:

Holly Meehleis said...

I love that little boy so much, even his "love bites" ;)