Friday, May 17, 2013


The weather here in Colorado has a pretty intense reputation of being bipolar. And it never fails to stand up to that reputation.

Just a few short weeks ago our streets and homes were covered in several inches of snow (Ft Collins had a snow day on May 1st!). Now the weather is already pretty warm, and seems to indicate that this summer is destined for 90s-100s like last year. Which is great! I love hot weather. 

But Spring brings some new fun things. Like our trees. They are leafing! It's so exciting to me! I feel like a new mom again.

Yesterday Maya and I went on a walk and there was a meadowlark perched on a lamp post. I love their song.

We can sleep with the window open! If Maya doesn't wake me up first, the tweeting birds do it for her. 

I love Spring!

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