Saturday, February 19, 2011

Breathe Easier

A few Saturdays ago, the weather was fantastical, and Ryan and I decided that it did not merit sitting around the house. So out we went!

Our journeyings led us to Fort Collins Nursery. Of plants. We thought our home needed a little sprucing up, and figured a couple of house plants would take care of that for us.

We bought one cute little plant for Ryan's cubicle at work. That way he could feel like he had a little bit of nature with him even though he can't see the light of day from where he sits.

We also got a couple other beauties, including a money tree. It has an adorable braided "trunk", and it loves us!

See all those somewhat lighter green leaves on the top? Those are all new since we bought it! I feel so proud. However, it may have to move its living locale soon because it is going to cover up our wedding picture, and that is not OK.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Plants do so much for a room! And you must be taking excellent care of it to have it grow like that! This time of year it feels like spring to wander in a nursery--I might have to go do that myself!