Saturday, September 18, 2010

Unforgettable Summer

You know how after every summer friends and family ask, "What did you do this summer?" And how many years have we all said, "Oh, nothing really." I personally have quite a few times. But not this time!!! Ryan and I were sure to fill every weekend with something fun!

May 13 - 18: We went to Oregon to visit Ryan's dad and stepmom! A very fantastic vacation. We went on a 40-mile bike ride, ran up basically the most steep hill in the world, saw Japanese Gardens, and ate little man doughnuts.
May 20 - 24: Ryan's "German Grandma" came to visit. They left on the 24th for a week adventuring in California (where Ryan was thoughtful enough to pick up an engagement ring).

May 28: My younger sister, Holly, got married! And I caught the bouquet! Foreshadowing...

May 31: Rock climbing! First time for me in the outside world; it was very fun, and I wish we had time to go again.

June 5: Mountain biking attempt #1. Epic fail.

June 10: Got engaged!

June 11-13: Ryan's grandparents were attending a small reunion in Fruita, CO, and we decided to go

June 18 - 20: My cousin, Amy, got married in Utah

July 3: Rockies game with my family

July 10: Mountain biking attempt #2. Success!

July 17: Paintballing! and then the Drive-in to see Inception (superb!)

July 24: Kayaking

July 31: Ryan's mom was in town and I had my bridal shower

August 2: Water World

August 14: Got married!!

I will never forget this summer, and not just because it included getting married. I will remember it fondly, but I know that it isn't the last adventure-filled summer for Ryan and I!

1 comment:

andrea said...

What a summer!! I hate reading blogs of people with no kids- it makes my life seem incredibly boring!!!! If you can try not to do so much fun stuff in the future, that'd be great.