Our sweet Little Lydi is 8 months old today. She has grown so much! The first year of life is truly amazing. Babies grow and change so much in that short amount of time.
Lydia's hair is growing in light blonde. She doesn't have curls like all of her siblings did though. She has the best smile and laugh and spends her day cooing and being cute. It's quite a change from six months ago!
Lydia loves to eat food she can chew. Her favorites are cheese, bread, and green beans. Every morning at breakfast she whines until I hold her and share my cereal with her. She still doesn't have any teeth so she can only eat things that are gummable. She's learning to drink out of a sippy cup, too.
Lydia takes two solid naps a day, nurses 4 times a day (typically 7, 11, 3, and 7). She still wakes up in the night to eat. Someday I will wean her of that, but for now I'm being rather lazy about it. I think maybe a little bit of me is holding on to the fact that she's my last baby and I'm enjoying those snuggles, even if it means I'm up for 20 minutes when I should be sleeping.
Lydia is petite for her age. 6 - 9 month clothes still drown her! I think she's going to be extra little like Maya.
She loves to chew on her toes, be tickled, play peek a boo, and give hugs. She's a wonderful little dollface!