My little Maya is now 1/3 of a year old! I remember when I was four months pregnant and anxious for the next few weeks to go by so I could find out if baby was a girl or boy. I would have been happy with either, but I was so excited when she typed "GIRL" on the sonogram (and kind of surprised - boys seriously dominate in Ryan's family).
Maya had her 4-month check up and she now weighs 11 lbs 9 oz. She is in the 5 - 10%! She's a little girl, just like her mom. The appointment went really well. She is a healthy baby whose brain development is perfect!
This month has brought several new accomplishments.
(Sitting unassisted is not one of her new talents.)
She started going all night without a feeding. She usually still wakes up a couple of times, but I just give her a binkie now. Hopefully her internal clock will realize soon that it's pointless to wake up until morning because she isn't going to get anything until then anyway.
She is on a more solid schedule, which I love. She goes down at 8 PM and wakes us up at 6:30 - 7 each morning. It's so nice to be able to predict the days now, and there is something kind of fun about seeing the sunrise every morning. Kind of.
We started an official bedtime routine. Ryan feeds Maya from a bottle for her last meal of the day. We take her upstairs and put her in her jammies. Then all three of us lie on the floor, with Maya in the middle, and we read stories. Maya loves her stories. She gets very expressive with her face as she looks at the pictures. It is such a sweet time for us all. Then she gets wrapped up and put in her crib. Most nights she cries a little, but she typically falls asleep within 10 minutes.
I love this photo. She is eyeing the toy ball on the couch like, "Interesting..." |
She rolled over!! I was SO excited. Honestly, I was a little upset at myself for not being more diligent with her tummy time and I kind of thought I had ruined her. But suddenly she could lift her head really high (she does a killer Superman pose), and then one day she just rolled over! Still working on mastering the mini push-up though.
She reaches for toys and gives the soft ones loves.
And something new has happened to me, too. My hair... it is starting to shed. Immensely. As in, it is EVERYWHERE. I have been wearing my hair up a lot more lately because I'm getting tired of finding my hair on my arm, in my water jug, in Maya's hands, on the kitchen table, in the laundry, etc. They weren't kidding when they talk about post-pregnancy hair loss! Maya is it worth it though.
Happy Spring everybody!