Thursday, September 26, 2019

Lydia - 6 Months

Lydia is 6 months old! She is trying new kinds of food, and although it took some practice to get a hang of the whole open-your-mouth-there-is-food-on-this-contraption bit, she's getting it down and so far has not gagged on anything. Woohoo!

She's a tiny little squirt, weighing in at 12 lb 11 oz (2%) and 25 inches (13%). What can I say, we make small babies.

Lydia is starting to sit on her own for (very) short periods of time, rolls both directions, puts everything in her mouth, and is a self proclaimed mommy's girl. If I set her down, even if I don't leave, the water works start. If I set her down and then leave you might think that an alligator was biting her pinky toe. It's a little ridiculous, but I love her anyway.

She wakes once to eat at night, usually around 4 AM, and is up between 6 and 7 AM for the day. I always hope it ends up being closer to 7 AM. After trying to night wean her for a couple of weeks, once I got down to only feeding her for two minutes on each side, she would wake up again after an hour or so wanting to eat again. I decided she wasn't quite ready for that step, so we are back to where we started. Oh well.

After naps, and at other random times of the day, she is very excited to see me. She opens her mouth really big, her whole body shakes, and she grabs my face as she clenches on for a great big hug. Those moments bring me great joy! She loves her blankie, my singing to her, anything made out of rubber or plastic, and going on walks. We love having her!

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