Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Lydia - 1 month!

Oh my gosh you guys. Lydia turned one month old 3 weeks ago. She has changed even since then, but I'll post anyway, despite the tardiness.

Lydia is not my easiest baby. In fact, she's probably the hardest so far. Now that she is almost 8 weeks old things are getting better, but for a while there it was not the greatest. I will say, however, that she is superb at sleeping at night! After I nurse her she gets put into her bassinet around 8 PM completely awake, she falls asleep without a peep (she will take a pacifier but doesn't like it when she's sleeping), and doesn't wake to eat until 3 or 4 AM most nights. After she eats she goes right back to sleep and then wakes around 7 AM for the day. I love that about her!!

During the day is a different story. When she was a month old and the weeks surrounding it, she would not stay asleep for more than ten minutes when I put her down. It drove me BONKERS. I couldn't get anything done! If I wanted her to sleep, I had to wear her in my lillebaby carrier. We are still working on getting through that, but she is doing much better at sleeping in her bed and staying asleep for naps. 

She also cries a lot when she is awake. If she is content for more than ten minutes it's kind of amazing. It's been a struggle for me. I'm looking forward to the coming months when she (hopefully) eases into a regular daily routine and we can find ways to keep her happy. 

We love you, Lydia, thank you for keeping us on our toes!

1 comment:

Dad said...

You got this, sweet daughter!!