Thursday, February 15, 2018

Dallin - 7 months

Mister Man is 7 months old! He graces us with the sweetest smiles any baby ever produced. (At least for right now.) When he is happy or satisfied in some way he does a cute little dance by moving his body up and down. He especially does it after I put a piece of not baby food in his mouth. He was doing it the whole time I was trying to take pictures of him, which is why all of the photos are blurry. Oh well, at least I know it was because he was happy and excited!

Dallin rolls all over the place now, and has connected the fact that if he keeps rolling he will get to something he wants. He enjoys playing with his toys and is usually content to sit and play for 20 - 30 minutes. He can now sit for extended periods of time!

Dallin is wearing 3-6 month, 6-9 month, and 6-12 month clothing. All of my babies have been really good about stretching out their wardrobe for a while! He nurses 4 times a day, once at night (I am finally actively weaning that last feeding. I get so lazy about getting it done, but I am close now!), and eats a breakfast and dinner of baby food.

He has 2 1/2 teeth and is currently cutting 3 more. If I forget to give him Tylenol before bed at night we are in for a rough ride. During the day he is still happy as a clam which I appreciate very much.

He has a fear of hanging lights. Or any light really. From a distance they're fine, but if he gets too close to one he gets pretty anxious and starts to whimper. It is basically the cutest thing ever, and I admit that I really enjoy the extra tight hugs when he is scared.

He is down to two solid naps a day. Both are usually 1 1/2 - 2 hours, once in the morning around 9/9:30 and once in the afternoon at 1. He stopped his evening cat nap a few weeks ago. When he did that, he was wanting to go to bed at 7 PM, but that was too early for our family's schedule and lifestyle. I have successfully pushed that back to him going to bed around 8 PM instead, and he is waking up for the day around 7/7:30 AM instead of 6 AM. Hallelujah, sing praises.

Dallin is super into wanting to try every single thing I am eating. I am starting to give him little pieces of food at dinner, and he is learning how to do the pincer grasp and feed himself. Yay! He makes a really cute pursed lip face when he is trying to pick up food.

His favorite word to say is "Dada." He doesn't know what it means yet, but once he realizes it, I think we can safely say that it will be his first real word. On that note, he is our first baby that gets really excited to see Ryan and wants to be with him. Sounds sad, but it's okay, our girls love their daddy very much. It is sweet to see Dallin reach and grab for Ryan when we are sitting next to each other, and I think Ryan really likes it too. :)

Dallin is a very happy baby (the only time he REALLY cries is in the middle of the night - and he can sure get angry then), and is always smiling at people around us. He gets a lot of attention from strangers.

He is very fun and I am loving getting to watch his personality start to shine through!

1 comment:

Holly Meehleis said...

That little Dallin is the most precious boy! I want to his fear of hanging lights in real life haha