Sunday, December 31, 2017

Weekend in Estes Park

December 16 - 18 we got to spend in Estes Park with Papa. We had a nice time! It was a fun getaway from the hustle and bustle of the holidays. 

The first morning we were there we went on a walk around a lake. Mary's Lake I think it was called. It was super cold so we were all bundled up to the nines! (Does that even make sense?) My dad and Ryan took the girls ahead of me while I fed Dallin the car. Ryan took some super cute pictures on their walk/hike! These girls love their Papa with their whole selves.

Eventually I caught up to them with my marshmallow baby. 

We brought in our church activity bag and had also brought board games and books to have activities to do while we were in the cabin. Maya and Brianna spent a lot of time coloring. I was surprised! Not once did they complain about being bored, and they spent hardly any time at all having screen time the entire weekend.

For lunch we went to Antonio's Pizza. So. That food is ah-mahz-ing. We will certainly frequent that place every time we go to Estes Park now. 

We spent a couple of hours walking around the shops. I am grateful for the invention of warm clothing. There was not any whining due to being cold, even though the air certainly had a bite to it. Dallin slept most of the time and by the end my back was sore from wearing him in all of our puffy clothing. After this picture was taken we went to see the movie Ferdinand, and afterwards went to Rock Inn for dinner. Also very good!

This is the cute cabin we stayed in. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms, an upstairs, living area, and full kitchen.

Sunday morning the resort offers a waffle breakfast. Brianna, Papa, and I went. Maya wasn't feeling well (she and Brianna were both a little sick that weekend but did pretty well, considering) so Ryan stayed at the cabin with her and Dallin.

More time coloring!

We made mini gingerbread houses as part of our Sunday activities. I had requested that we spend most of the day at the cabin because Dallin was needing a bit more of normal schedule to be happy. We had fun filling our day with down-time.

Papa and Brianna went for a walk.

And Papa spent a little time helping Maya learn how to read!

Finished products. :)

Monday morning we got packed up and headed out around 10:30 AM. The girls had school that day so we were unable to stay longer. We had a nice time and I hope we can do it again some time! Thank you for taking us, Dad! We love you and love making memories with you!

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