Tuesday, April 4, 2017

March-ing through Life

March was a fun month for us! The weather was very warm and we got to spend a lot of time outside enjoying it. One day I sent the girls outside to play and then remembered that we have a bucket full of sand toys. They got so excited to see me bring that out! They played outside digging and dumping for two hours.

One day I took the girls on a hike (more of a nature walk really) and then we had a picnic lunch. 

I reached 23 weeks! I am now almost 26 weeks - how am I so close to the 3rd trimester already?! (I'm quite glad it's flying by.)

Ryan bought Guess Who? on a whim thinking the girls might like it. He was right! They ask to play it every evening.

I am continuing to have fun with their hair.

Blue Bell Ice Cream returned to Colorado! I gasped with joy when I saw it in the freezer aisle.

The Brownings came for their spring break! Maya and Brianna LOVE playing with their cousins. 

We had our first cousin sleep over at our house. The kids were great, and it was fun to have a little crowd at our house. 

Flowers have started growing and blooming in our front yard. I love watching Spring happen.

1 comment:

Holly Meehleis said...

I loved, but was also very sad, that Maya cried so hard when the Brownings had to leave. Cousin time is so special!