Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Buns In My Oven

Yesterday I spent all day putting together a recipe bank for my new business venture. That involved going through everyone of my cookbooks and filing all the recipes I had made and liked. It seriously took forever, and I wish that I could have gotten paid for it.

Anyway, as I was looking at recipes, I decided I should probably make something too. We had some cow milk in the fridge (which we don't drink) leftover from making mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving that was on the day of expiration. Since I did not have a plethora of time to sit and knead dough and such, I used a recipe out of my bread machine cookbook for some rolls.

They are called Butter Rolls. They were quite tasty and fluffy and made our tummies happy. In fact, half of the batch was gone by the end of the night. Don't judge.

Here is the wonderful recipe:

Butter Rolls (no Delay Timer)
All ingredients at room temp, except milk

2 T sugar
1 tsp salt
2 3/4 C bread flour
2 tsp active dry yeast
1/4 C water
1 egg
7/8 C milk (measure 1 C and take out 2 T)
1/4 C butter

1) Measure all ingredients into bread pan, starting with liquids and finishing with yeast. Be sure that yeast does not touch any liquid (make a well in the flour to be sure).
2) Select Dough setting
3) Press Start
4) When signal goes off, remove dough and knead once or twice to release air. Shape into 12 rolls.
5) Place on a greased baking sheet (I used an ungreased pizza stone), cover with a clean kitchen towel, and allow to double in size, about one hour. **For fast rising, preheat oven to 200 degrees F for 5 minutes and then turn the oven off. Place the rolls covered with a towel in the oven; this will cut rising time in half.**
6) Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (be sure to remove the rolls first if you had them in the oven to rise). Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until golden brown and give a hollow sound when tapped.


Jenni Rollins said...

They look delicious. Sorry, had to judge - hope you eat an extra one for me =)

James and Laura Neibaur said...

Okay, do you know what "buns in the oven" means??? You had me excited! But they do look good!